Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I did it!!

Wow, after doing lots of stuff to the nether reaches of my computer, this should get me on the blog..Crossing my fingers, here goes-Well at least the Preview feature works.

Mom of the NotSoLittlePeppers here on an artsy crafty streak of creating autumn wreaths, gathering and drying flowers and herbs to do more, knitting scarves and shawls and picking bushels of apples-all this with the thermometer reading a record breaking 90!! Taking a break to cool off a bit as I'm so excited about this family blogging, and want to add my voice. What a great way to stay connected and learn about one another.

I'm determined to make this a homemade gift year, jam is in the pipeline, along with requests for big coverall aprons. Anyone have any other suggestions. Jeanne made gifts for Conni and Sarah's households by copying an item our neighbor bought for over $100 at Pier 1-they are amazing!!

Well-back to the apple picking-thanks for this space Fifi! Love to All, Mom

1 comment:

Faith said...

yeah, mom! you done did it! must be hard to be doing fall stuff & getting christmas presents together when it's so damn hot. yuck-o.
i hope it cools down there soon!